• 1-800-SEACAMP
Student Supplemental Form - Day Camp

Student Supplemental Form - Day Camp

This form is designed to address a variety of medical conditions/disorders. Please read carefully and complete truthfully. SEACAMP Summer Camp Programs provides all supervision. However, SEACAMP is not equipped to provide one-on-one individualized care. Students will need to be able to participate fully with the group in all activities. If it is determined that your student will need more care than our staff can provide, we would consider this a medical exception to our refund policies and all camp tuition would be returned in minus a $150.00 processing fee.

This form is designed to address a variety of medical conditions/disorders. Please read carefully and complete truthfully. SEACAMP Summer Camp Programs provides all supervision. However, SEACAMP is not equipped to provide one-on-one individualized care. Students will need to be able to participate fully with the group in all activities. If it is determined that your student will need more care than our staff can provide, we would consider this a medical exception to our refund policies and all camp tuition would be returned in minus a $150.00 processing fee.

Select Program
Program Date
Prescription medication(s) should also be designated on Student Health Form in the Registration Forms. Answer Yes to the question "Does student take prescription medications?" and list medication(s).

Information: Students will hold and administer all prescription medications. Instructors will provide daily medication reminders in the morning at breakfast and in the evening at dinner.

Parent/Guardian Signature

Electronic Signature Consent